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Hafu company Held The 2022 Work Summary and 2023 Work Plan Conference

As the Spring Festival of 2023 was approaching, Huafu Company organized all its employees in Beijing to convene the 2022 Annual Work Summary and 2023 Annual Work Plan Conference in the large meeting room on the seventh floor of the Yanke Building. The conference was presided over by the company's Deputy General Manager, Cao Guodong.

The year 2022, which has just passed, was a year in which Huafu Company made determined progress despite difficulties and challenges, and it was also a year of fruitful results. Under the overall development concept proposed by the company's leadership of "being down-to-earth, aspiring to the stars, and aiming high," and through the hard work of all employees, the company achieved noticeable results in all aspects of its work: the restructuring work achieved phased results, market orders reached a multi-year high, project execution capabilities were significantly improved, various management works were steadily enhanced, a large number of new colleagues joined this year, and the spirit of the employees was renewed.

Deputy General Manager Wang Zhiyuan comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work of Huafu Company in 2022, realistically affirmed the achievements and changes the company had made over the year, objectively pointed out existing problems, and proposed solutions.

The year 2023 is the official restructuring year for Huafu, and it is also a crucial year for achieving sustainable high-quality development. The speech by Deputy General Manager Zhen Maoliang painted a development blueprint for Huafu in 2023, with ten inspiring and encouraging goals, and specific and effective measures highlighted in the work focus of each system.

Chairman Wang Qinya delivered an enthusiastic speech at the meeting, providing a profound analysis of the 2022 work summary and the 2023 work plan, fully interpreting the development concept and five characteristics of the "New Huafu," and painting a grand blueprint for the future of Huafu. His insights were insightful and of great significance for guiding the company's work in 2023 and beyond.


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3rd Floor, Yanke Building, No. 26 Yong'an Road, Changping District, Beijing
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